Accountancy Europe Ethics Working Party Meeting

The Ethics Working Party is one of the working structures within Accountancy Europe (former FEE) that is responsible to maintaining a lively dialogue within the profession and with standard setters and regulators at European and global level, to promote and preserve integrity of the profession in dealing with ethical issues.

As part of its working agenda, the party met on the 4th of April in Brussels to discuss current issues related to professional ethics. CECCAR representative in the working party was present at the meeting.

Discussions included debates on the feedback given by the members to several exposure drafts issued by the IESBA Board and CAG, a brief update of the state of play of the audit reform implementation and proposals were made regarding potential projects on anti-corruption. Also, a Task-Force was set-up to draft a comment letter on the Services Package, focusing on the European Services Card and the Proportionality Test.

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