The Body of Expert and Licensed Accountants of Romania (CECCAR) translated the report on Enabling the Accountant’s Role in Effective Enterprise Risk Management, published by IFAC in January 2019, which shows that professional accountants can have a significant contribution to the transition from a reactive approach to risk management to processes that can actually bring value to the decision-making process and support organisations in mitigating uncertainty and achieving their objectives.
In the context where companies today are facing fast changes and growing uncertainty, caused by a variety of factors, professional accountants have to position themselves as experts in the field of risk management and understand that the main role of the accountant in risk management systems is not just about mitigating risks, but also about promoting and facilitating an effective management of risks and opportunities, in order to create and preserve value in time.
The report in Romanian is now available in the section Publicații – Organisme internaționale – Alte documente de interes de pe site-ul CECCAR. For more information, you can also access the IFAC website.