Equivalation steps for foreign citizens

The quality of expert accountant held by a foreign citizen, graduate of international institutes or organizations which regulate the accounting profession in the origin country can be recognized in Romania, based on the following provisions:

  • Paragraph 26 of O.G.no.65/1994, republished;
  • Law no.200/25 May 2004 regarding the recognition of professional degrees and certificates for the professions regulated in Romania, with the subsequent modifications and complements;

In order for a foreign citizen to acquire the right to exercise the accounting profession on Romanian territory, it is necessary to register him/her self for the interview related to the recognition of the accounting profession title.

For the purpose of this interview, the applicant must submit a file containing the documentation required, demonstrating the compliance with the legal provisions, namely:

  • Application form (enclosed);
  • ID / Passport;
  • University Degree;
  • A document certifying the expert accountant quality obtained in the origin country, as well as the evidence that he/she has the right to exercise the profession in the origin country;
  • Other documents related to the acquired titles;
  • Curriculum vitae;
  • Valid Legal Record;
  • Medical record certifying the professional’s full working capacity;
  • Interview Registration fee.

The aim of the interview is to review the understanding of Romanian current laws, in the field of company organization and functioning, in the accounting and financial field; it comprises submitting and arguing on a case study which deals with an entity accounting, taxation, organizing and functioning issues.